2019年11月16日 四川大学吕克宁教授学术报告


报 告 人: 吕克宁 教授

报告题目:Chaotic Behavior of Dynamical Systems Driven by an External Forcing  


报告摘要:  This talk contains three parts:

(1) The existence of SRB measures and their properties for infinite dimensional dynamical systems and SRB measures for parabolic PDEs undergoing Hopf bifurcations driven by a periodic forcing with applications to the Brusselator

(2) Positive entropy implying the existence of horseshoes for infinite dimensional random dynamical systems

(3) Chaotic behavior of Anosov systems driven by an external forcing. This is based on the joint works with Wen Huang,Zeng Lian, Peidong Liu, Qiudong Wang, and Lai-Sang Young.