2019年11月16日 山东大学彭实戈院士学术报告


报 告 人: 彭实戈院士

报告题目:Nonlinear Theory of Prediction


报告摘要:        In recent 20 years, the speed of developments of technology and science changes  becomes very high in large dada, real-time communications, propagation. A very interesting and challenging problem is: can we still apply the classical prediction theory and methodology to predict our future and make decisions base on the these predictions? Our recent fundamental research results indicates us that a the classical scientific prediction theory already becomes so fragile that we  need to have a dramatical changes. In fact, a nonlinear theory of mathematical expectations has been developed. Based on this new and strong robust. In this talk I give a brief but very illustrative introduction of this new and nonlinear theory of prediction.