9月23日 西弗吉尼亚大学罗荣教授学术报告


报 告 人:罗荣教授 

报告题目:Edge coloring of signed graphs



报告人简介:Rong Luo, Professor of Mathematics at West Virginia University. He received his BS and MS  from University of Science and Technology of China and his Ph.D from West Virginia University. His research interests include graph coloring, flows  and cycle covers of both signed and ordinary graphs. He published around 70 research articles.

报告摘要:The concept of edge coloring of signed graphs was introduced independently by Behr and Zhang et al. Behr extended Vizing’s theorem to signed graphs, that is the edge chromatic number of a signed graph is either its maximum degree or its maximum degree plus one.  Recently we extend Vizing’s adjacency lemma to signed graphs. In this talk I will talk about the signed version of VAL and its applications.

 This is joint work with Yan Cao,  Zhengke Miao, Yue Zhao