1月7日 福州大学常安教授学术报告


报 告 人:常安 教授

报告题目:On thelinear Turán problems of uniform hypergraphs







       An$r$-uniform hypergraph is linear if every two edges intersect in at most onevertex. Given a family of $r$-uniform hypergraph $\mathcal{F}$, the linearTur\'{a}n number ex$_r^{lin}(n,\mathcal{F})$ is the maximum number of edges of a linear$r$-uniform hypergraph on $n$ vertices that does not contain any member of $\mathcal{F}$as a subhypergraph. Let $F$ be a graph and $r\geq 3$ a positive integer. The $r$-expansion of $F$ is the $r$-graph$F^+$ obtained from $F$ by enlarging each edge of $F$ with $r-2$ new verticesdisjoint from $V(F)$ such that distinct edges of $F$ are enlarged by distinctvertices. In this talk, we first focus on the linear Tur\'{a}n problem of thebipartite hypergraph $K_{s,t}^+$, and present some bounds for the linearTur\'{a}n number of $K_{s,t}^+$ for $t\geq s\geq 2$. Then by establishing theconnection between spectral radius of the adjacency tensor and structuralproperties of a hypergraph, we prove that when $n$ is sufficiently large, thespectral radius $\rho (K_{r+1}^+ )$ of the adjacency tensor of $K_{r+1}^+$ isno more than $\frac{n}{r}$, i.e.,$\rho (K_{r+1}^+ )\leq \frac{n}{r},$ withequality if and only if $r|n$ and $H$ is a transversal design, where thetransversal design is the balanced $r$-partite $r$-uniform hypergraph such thateach pair of vertices from distinct parts are contained in one hyperedgeexactly. An immediate corollary of this result is that$ex_r^{lin}(n,K_{r+1}^+)= \frac{n^2}{r^2}$ for sufficiently large $n$ and$3|n$. This is the joint work with Guorong Gao, and Yuan Hou.

邀 请 人:苗正科