1月6日 东南大学林文松教授学术报告


报 告 人:林文松 教授

报告题目:Three-vertex path packing problemin claw-free subcubic graphs







       Let P3 denote the path on three vertices. AP3-packing of a given graph G is a collection of vertex-disjointsubgraphs of G in which each subgraph is isomorphic to P3. Themaximum P3-packing problem is to find a P3-packing of agiven graph G which contains the maximum number of vertices of G. The perfect P3-packingproblem is to decide whether a graph G has a P3-packing that coversall vertices of G. Kelmans [A. Kelmans, Packing 3-vertex paths in claw-freegraphs and related topics, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(2011) 112-127] proposedthe following problem: Is the P3-packing problem NP-hard in theclass of claw-free graphs? In this paper, we solve the problem by proving thatthe perfect P3-packing problem in claw-free cubic planar graphs isNP-complete. In addition, we show that for any connected claw-free cubic graph(resp. (2; 3)-regular graph, subcubic graph) G with v(G) ≥14(resp. v(G) ≥8, v(G) ≥3), the maximum P3-packingof G covers at least ⌈(9v(G)-6)/10⌉ (resp.⌈ (6v(G)-6)/7⌉, ⌈ (3v(G)-6)/4⌉) vertices, where v(G)denotes the order of G, and the bound is sharp. The proofs implypolynomial-time algorithms.

邀 请 人:苗正科