12月30日 青海师范大学赵海兴教授学术报告


报 告 人:赵海兴,青海师范大学教授,博士生导师

报告题目:Research on Reliability of2-terminal Networks 


报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:954468419





        A two-terminal graphG=(V,E) is a simple and undirected graph with two specified target vertices sand t in V. In G, if each edge survives independently with a fixed probabilityp, the two-terminal reliability is the probability that two target vertices areconnected. Let \mathcal{G}_{n,m} be the set of two-terminal graphs with nvertices and $m$ edges. An st-pathset of G is a subset of E that contains apath from s to t. Let N_i be the number of st-path sets of size i in G. Thetwo-terminal reliability polynomial of G\in \mathcal{G}_{n,m} can be written asR_2(G;p)=\sum_{i=0}^mN_ip^i(1-p)^{m-i}. A two-terminal graph G\in\mathcal{G}_{n,m} is uniformly most reliable if R_2(G;p)\geq R_2(H;p) for all H\in\mathcal{G}(n,m) and all p\in[0,1].

        Betrandet al. [Networks 72 (2018) 200--216] proved that there is no uniformly mostreliable two-terminal graph if either n\geq11 and 20\leq m\leq 3n-9 or n\geq8and {n\choose2}-\lfloor(n-2)/2\rfloor\leq m\leq {n\choose2}-2. In this paper,we further prove that there is no uniformly most reliable two-terminal graph ifn\geq6 and 3n-6<m\leq\binom{n}{2}-2 in a different way.  

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